Matsumoto Castle: Origin and History of the National Treasure (From 1504 to 1871)
Fukashi Castle (From 1504 to 1582) In ancient times, the region of Matsumoto was called Fukashi. Thus, the original castle built by Lord Shimadachi Sadanaga in 1504 was named Fukashi Castle. The location of the castle was not chosen by chance. This site is said to have been divinely selected and is believed to be a sacred place. Matsumoto Castle (From 1582 to 1590) In 1582, after being momentarily chased away from the domain, Lord Sadayoshi Ogasawara returned to capture Fukashi Castle by cleverly subverting the castle’s defenders. He then had the fortress renamed Matsumoto Castle. The construction of the current Matsumoto Castle (From 1590) In 1590 Ishikawa Kazumasa was […]